Augusta County Genealogical Society
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August Membership Meeting
Wednesday, August 21
August Membership Meeting  (Event)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Augusta County Library - Lower Level Meeting Room
Speaker: Heather Andolina, President of the Melungeon Heritage Association
Topic: "The Melungeon People of Virginia"
The Melungeon people are a mixed-race population of people who have lived in the Appalachian Mountains and other areas of the southeastern United States for centuries. Our speaker, Heather Andolina, is an historian with both an undergraduate and master's degree. She has extensive museum, archival, and curatorial experience having previously worked at the Cincinnati History Museum and the Wells Fargo History Museum.

October Membership Meeting
Wednesday, October 16
October Membership Meeting  (Event)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Augusta County Library - Lower Level Meeting Room
Speaker: Lynn Scott, ACGS Member and Professional Genealogoist
Topic: "Researching Your Revolutionary War Ancestor"