ACGS Research Services
The ACGS Research Team responds to specific requests for Augusta County courthouse research. ACGS team members work at the Augusta County Courthouse in Staunton on a regular basis. Due to the limited number of volunteer hours, requests requiring more in-depth research are responded to on a time-available basis only. We will make every effort to assist you find the courthouse information that will assist you to track down your Augusta County family members.
Examples of types of documents that can be found in the courthouse include:
- Wills (from 1745 to present)
- Deeds (from 1745 to present)
- Birth Records (1853 - 1896)
- Marriage Records (1785 - present)
- Death Records (1853-1896)
ACGS charges $20.00/hour for research for non-ACGS members and $15.00/hour for research for ACGS members. Copies of documents made either at the ACGS Library or the Augusta County Courthouse are $.50 per page. Certified copies made at the Courthouse are $2.00 per page. In addition, mailing costs will be passed on to the researcher.
The research request form can be found
Requests for research assistance along with the initial research fee should be sent to ACGS, P.O. Box 436, Fishersville, VA 22939.